Is It Still Worth It to Buy Apples Right Now?
This week I am talking about whether you should still be buying apples right now or is it time to take a break until the next harvest?
Ok I have to say it. I am not buying apples that much right now. We are getting into the height of cherry season, we got fresh berries all over, and peaches and nectarines are getting good.
So I think it’s ok for a time to put a pause on your apple purchases or just don’t invest as much money in them. My daughter wanted some apples so I picked out a cheap bag of Ambrosia apples from Costco and she is the only one that really likes them (too soft for the rest of us!).
We got good apple eating on the horizon so it’s only a short break. In fact, apples are the fruit that I buy the most months of the year besides bananas.
If you still want apples I have three suggestions for you:
I haven’t seen any apples from New Zealand where I have been, but these are going to be your most freshly harvested apples right now. I have seen them in the past at Fresh Market stores, so worth looking if you have one of those near you (I do not!)
Reminder - If you love what you are seeing in this email, make sure you hit the LIKE (heart) button. Thank you for everyone that did last week, I would LOVE to see even more LIKES this week.
I want to share with you another one of my photos from our trip to Craters of the Moon last week. It was such a different place to visit. If you are ever in southern Idaho it’s worth checking out.
Do you live in Oregon or Washington? If you do I want to hear from you. Leave a comment and share with me your favorite apple orchards. I am going to be in those states all of apple season, so I am looking to check out as many orchards as I can.
Thanks everyone for continuing to request new stores be added to my apple store guides. New stores to be added eventually include: Giant, Safeway, Nob Hill, Hannaford (I miss Maine!), and Whole Foods
What grocery store would you like me to do next? Put your request in here.
Grocery Store Apple Guides
If you haven’t watched the video yet check out - How to Get the Most from These Apple Emails, so you don’t miss out on any of the features. I am going to do a 2nd part soon.
If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. I hoped you enjoyed today’s newsletter. See ya next week!