Crispy April Apple Eating
In this newsletter, I help you find the current hottest apple on the blog, the Wild Twist apple!
April isn’t the most exciting time of year for apples. The question really comes down to what varieties are still crispy.
My 4 recommended varieties to buy that are reliable are:
Fujis are still relatively crisp however I think if you have these other options you will do better. Honeycrisp are just a letdown this time of year and Gala apples are an easy pass for me.
If you can still find some Sugar Bee, you can go with them as well. Opal apples that I love in December, aren’t that crispy when April rolls around.
In May, we will start seeing some apple varieties imported from New Zealand. Since it’s fall there those apples are going to be fresher.
💭 Let me know in the comments what was the last apple you bought was?
Right now my fridge is just filled with Wild Twist. I got a bag of them at Costco this week. It appears there may be some gap in supplies there as they were down to their last box.
Thanks everyone for continuing to request new stores be added to my apple store guides. I will have some new ones to add next week.
Here is what you can currently find:
Trader Joe’s
Real Canadian Superstore
Meijer 🆕
Market Basket 🆕
Hy-Vee 🆕
Cub Foods 🆕
What grocery store would you like me to do next? Put your request in here.
The apple store guides are for my paid subscribers only. This helps support my work of bringing you great apple content! (I hope you think it’s great!). You can sign up for a 7-day free trial so you check them out.
Make sure you take a moment to look over the whole What Apple to Eat Today page so that you can see all that is offered on it. There are some links to learn more about apples on the blog.
If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. I hoped you enjoyed today’s newsletter. See ya next week!